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TOP-10 Digital Transformation Examples in Marketing

In the last few years, particularly within the last year, significant marketing changes have occurred. Most of these changes have been powered by digital transformations that have completely changed marketing as we know it. The impact of the global crisis has fast-tracked several transformations that may likely take years or even decades to materialize. These transformations are key for the survival of many businesses as they have kept many relevant in the face of harsh economic conditions. These digital tools can continuously take into account consumer behavior, which is continuously evolving. Some of the most notable digital transformation examples in marketing are highlighted in this article.

Digital Transformation Examples in Marketing

The use of Chatbots

Although chatbots feel robotic and unnatural to some, surprisingly, this tool has gained significant acceptance all around the world. A chatbot uses technology to provide instant messaging service to customers around the clock. This technology provides customers required information at the cheapest of cost. Clients can communicate with the chatbot until they get the information they are looking for.

Many ridesharing companies utilize chatbots on Slack and others to provide clients with access to their services. Additionally, voice command technology from companies such as Amazon also provides such service. One ridesharing company that is big with chatbots is Lyft, which is known for having a chatbot client system.

Client-Tailored Content

Many small to medium scale businesses are turning toward client-based marketing content to drive sales. This shift is a result of the need for clients to feel important and taken care of. As a result, many businesses have shifted focus to providing their customers’ personalized products and marketing content through email or other media. Studies have shown that personalized marketing increases the likelihood of a customer purchasing by a factor of three.

One such company that has mastered the art of tailored marketing is Netflix. This streaming company uses customer view history to suggest content that may be of interest to their clients.

Dialog Marketing

Although many businesses rely on chatbots to communicate with their clients, there are still companies that prefer to provide avenues for intimate conversations with their customers. Dialog marketing is utilized by such businesses to cater to their clients in real-time. In most cases, dialog marketing is utilized by companies that cater to specific high-spending clients that expect the best form of service. As a result, clients can communicate with the business in their preferred time, medium, and location. Several companies that provide services to other businesses make use of dialog marketing to provide the best service to large clients.

Social Media

The power of social media in marketing is so enormous. No serious business will allow the opportunity of marketing on these platforms to go by without utilizing it. The key to social media marketing is authenticity and consistency. These two elements are key to attracting a large audience and keeping them engaged. Therefore, whether a brand advertises on Facebook or Twitter, it must have a distinct marketing strategy, which keeps it apart from the competition. With the help of Facebook Pay, businesses have a greater opportunity of capturing sales while advertising.

Video Marketing

Using video for marketing remains one of the moves important marketing tools. With the help of video marketing, a business is much more likely to have their ads shared from one person to another through social and other communication media. Additionally, many businesses have reported a sharp increase in sales once they roll out a video ad. Likewise, customers are more willing to purchase items or services that have been advertised through video. With a small budget, a business can create a wonderful marketing video that can earn them millions of dollars in sales. The best part is that video can be shared for free on various social media platforms.

Messaging App

Messaging applications transcend just chatting with family and friends. It presents a very big opportunity for businesses to connect with their existing and potential clients. There are billions of people that are active on WeChat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and many more platforms. Therefore, a huge amount of potential exists for businesses to reach out to people. A business can directly communicate with any client about a product and service. Hence, a company is likely to have a personalized relationship with each of its clients.

Interactive Marketing Content

A business creating interactive content on any of their platforms is a good way of keeping clients engaged and luring others into spending. Interactive marketing content can be used on websites as well as mobile applications. A business can design polls, quizzes, or even competitions for their customers to participate in. Other businesses provide their clients a glimpse into their products or services with the help of extended reality marketing content. These types of tools are excellent for driving up sales.

Social Media Influencer

Marketing through social media influencers is a very effective method of spreading the word about a product or a service. Influences are usually celebrities or experts within a particular niche that are well-known to the public. Once such an influencer promotes the content of a business, this quickly increases reach and general sales.

Push Notifications

The use of push notifications is another seamless and effective way of showing your brand to a wide range of people. This brand of marketing is very easy to set up. In most cases, the app of a business can automatically push out information about sales or new products to users. Likewise, many businesses include a push notification popup for their clients to register on their website.


Artificial Intelligence (AR) is the next big thing in marketing. It offers businesses a wide range of marketing possibilities that will always catch the attention of the audience. AR is used by many businesses to map out and predict the behavior of their clients. Therefore, it offers the business a huge opportunity for getting ahead. That is why the big tech giants such as Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook have invested millions into their versions of AR.


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