Create Games in JavaScript: Tetris and Sudoku - ByteScout
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Create Games in JavaScript: Tetris and Sudoku

Create a Tetris Game Using JavaScript

A few days back, I was learning JavaScript concepts. In order to sharpen my skills, I thought to myself let’s make a game. After searching for some old games such as snake, mines, Tetris, etc., I decided to make a Tetris game. Well, This is not the most exciting game, but I have enjoyed developing it. The game looks as below:

Tetris JavaScript

You can check the source code at this link.

Create a Sudoku Game Using JavaScript

Nowadays in Indian software companies, there is a trend to make hiring through online skill tests. Such a website is

On Techgig, there was a skill test for front-end developers. In the said test, applicants are tasked to develop a sudoku game, which has the facility to “save game” and “get game” from the browser’s local storage. I am not a frontend developer and I don’t want to change my job, but this problem definition looked exciting and so I decided to give it try.

After completing the game, it was looking as below:

Create a Sudoku Game in JavaScript

If you want to dig into code go to my GitHub project.


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