How to add barcode reading from web camera in your ASP.NET application? It is easy with BarCode Reader SDK - ByteScout
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How to add barcode reading from web camera in your ASP.NET application? It is easy with BarCode Reader SDK

updated on 5 February 2014 (to include support for Internet Explorer 9+)

It is easy with HTML5, Javascript, and the latest version of BarCode Reader SDK!

Screenshot of the Google Chrome browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari are also supported!) running ASP.NET code reading Code 128 barcodes from online web camera:

Visual Studio 2008/2010 or higher is required for this sample to run!

  1. Install evaluation copy of BarCode Reader SDK from;
  2. In Visual Studio use File – Open – Web-Site.. and open the folder with this sample;
  3. Add a reference to ByteScout BarCode Reader dll using the menu: Website – Add Reference (find Bytescout Barcode Reader SDK on .NET tab, select and click OK to add a reference);
  4. Right-click on “Default.aspx” file and select “Set As Start Page”;
  5. Run the project in debug mode;
  6. Visual Studio will run your project in Internet Explorer or another browser;
  7. When a browser asks for permission to access web-cam click “Allow” to allow access to webcam;
  8. Click “START BARCODE SCAN..” button so the page will start automatically to grab frames from a video and sending it to server-side code to read barcodes using Barcode Reader SDK;
  9. IMPORTANT: a barcode should be in focus. Some webcams are not focusing on small barcodes, you may need to adjust the focus on your webcam so it will work OK with small images like barcodes;
  10. Click Stop to stop barcode scanning.

Select barcode type to scan if need to scan a particular barcode type (by default scans for all known types).

Here is the code:


<%@ Page Language=”C#” AutoEventWireup=”true” CodeFile=”Default.aspx.cs” Inherits=”_Default” %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1. Transitional//EN” “”>
<html xmlns=””>
<head id=”Head1″ runat=”server”>
<script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”webcam.js”></script>
<!– this javascript plugin uses the webcam.swf file to capture image and send the image to server for further processing –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var canvas, context, timer;

//  (HTML5 based camera only) this portion of code will be used when browser supports navigator.getUserMedia  *********     */
window.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function () {
canvas = document.getElementById(“canvasU”),
context = canvas.getContext(“2d”),
video = document.getElementById(“video”),
videoObj = { “video”: true },
errBack = function (error) {
console.log(“Video capture error: “, error.code);


// check if we can use HTML5 based camera (through .getUserMedia() function)
if (navigator.getUserMedia) { // Standard browser (Opera)
// display HTML5 camera
document.getElementById(“userMedia”).style.display = ”;
// adding click event to take photo from webcam
document.getElementById(“snap”).addEventListener(“click”, function () {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 640, 480);

navigator.getUserMedia(videoObj, function (stream) {
video.src = stream;;
}, errBack);

// check if we can use HTML5 based camera (through .getUserMedia() function in Webkit based browser)
else if (navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) { // WebKit-prefixed for Google Chrome
// display HTML5 camera
document.getElementById(“userMedia”).style.display = ”;
// adding click event to take photo from webcam
document.getElementById(“snap”).addEventListener(“click”, function () {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 640, 480);

navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(videoObj, function (stream) {
video.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);;
}, errBack);

// check if we can use HTML5 based camera (through .getUserMedia() function in Firefox based browser)
else if (navigator.mozGetUserMedia) { // moz-prefixed for Firefox
// display HTML5 camera
document.getElementById(“userMedia”).style.display = ”;
// adding click event to take photo from webcam
document.getElementById(“snap”).addEventListener(“click”, function () {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 640, 480);

navigator.mozGetUserMedia(videoObj, function (stream) {
video.mozSrcObject = stream;;
}, errBack);


// if we can not use any of HTML5 based camera ways then we use Flash-based camera
// display Flash camera
document.getElementById(“flashDiv”).style.display = ”;
document.getElementById(“flashOut”).innerHTML = (webcam.get_html(640, 480));


}, false);


// (all type of camera) set the default selection of barcode type
var selection = “All barcodes (slow)”;


// (all type of camera) gets the selection text of “barcode type to scan” combobox
function selectType(type) {
selection = type.options[type.selectedIndex].text;
// (HTML5 based camera only)
// uploads the image to the server
function UploadToCloud() {
document.getElementById(‘report’).innerHTML = “scanning the current frame……”;
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 640, 480);
$(“#upload”).attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’);
$(“#upload”).attr(“value”, “Uploading…”);
var img = canvas.toDataURL(‘image/jpeg’, 0.9).split(‘,’)[1];
// send AJAX request to the server with image data
url: “HTML5Camera.aspx/Upload”,
type: “POST”,
data: “{ ‘image’: ‘” + img + “‘ , ‘type’: ‘” + selection + “‘}”,
contentType: “application/json; charset=utf-8”,
dataType: “json”,
// on success output the result returned by the server side (See HTML5Camera.aspx)
success: function (data, status) {
$(“#upload”).attr(“value”, “Upload”);
if (data.d.length != 0) {
var htmlSelect = document.getElementById(‘OutListBoxHTML5’);
var selectBoxOption = document.createElement(“option”);
selectBoxOption.text = data.d; = “child”;
htmlSelect.insertBefore(selectBoxOption, htmlSelect.childNodes[0]);
// on error just show the message that no barcodes were found
error: function (data) {
document.getElementById(‘report’).innerHTML = “no barcode found, scanning…..”;
$(“#upload”).attr(“value”, “Upload”);
async: false
timer = setTimeout(UploadToCloud, 3000);  // will capture new image to detect barcode after 3000 mili second
// (flash-based camera only) stop the capturing
function stopCall() {
document.getElementById(‘report’).innerHTML = “STOPPED Scanning.”


// (flash-based camera only) sets the handler for callback completion to output the result
webcam.set_hook(‘onComplete’, ‘my_completion_handler’);


// (flash-based camera only) this function will start flash to capture image and send the image to the server for further processing (for IE)
function take_snapshot() {
// set API to be called by flash camera
webcam.set_api_url(‘FlashCamera.aspx?type=’ + selection);
// enable the shutter sound
document.getElementById(‘upload_results’).innerHTML = ‘<h4>Scanning…</h4>’;
// capture image from the webcam
// set timeout to capture a new image (interval between captures)
timer = setTimeout(take_snapshot, 3000);

// (flash-based camera only) this one will work after receiving barcode from server
// this function writes the output result back to the front page (from server-side)
function my_completion_handler(msg) {
var str = msg;
// encode into html compatible string
var result = str.match(/<d>(.*?)</d>/g).map(function (val) {
return val.replace(/</?d>/g, ”);
// add new result into the Listbox
var htmlSelect = document.getElementById(‘OutListBoxFlash’);
var selectBoxOption = document.createElement(“option”);
selectBoxOption.text = result; = “child”;
htmlSelect.insertBefore(selectBoxOption, htmlSelect.childNodes[0]);
// reset webcam and flash to capture a new image. this reset process flickers a little


// (flash-based camera only) stop the scan and set the message on the page
function stopScanning() {
document.getElementById(‘upload_results’).innerHTML = “STOPPED Scanning.”
<form id=”form1″ runat=”server”>
<!– HTML5 camera based capturing section –>
<!– this div block will be shown when browser supports get user media–>
<div id=”userMedia”  style=”display:none; height: 575px; width: 1182px”>
<tr align=”left” valign=”top”>
<td valign=”top” colspan=”2″>
<h3 style=” color:Green; “>(HTML5 based camera) This works in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other modern browsers with HTML5 support. If the HTML5 camera is not enabled then Flash-based camera should appear instead. To enable webcam access answer ALLOW when asked if you want to give access to webcam </h3>
<tr align=”left” valign=”top”>
<td valign=”top”>
<h2 id=”choiceU”> <b>Barcode Type To Scan (to start barcode scan – click START below)</b></h2>
<br />
<select id=”comboBoxBarCodeTypeHTML5″ onchange=”selectType(this)”>
<option value=”1″>All Barcodes (slow)</option>
<option value=”2″>All Linear Barcodes (Code39, Code 128 etc)</option>
<option value=”3″>All 2D Barcodes (QR Code, Aztec, Datamtrix, PDF417 and others)</option>
<option value=”4″>Code 39c</option>
<option value=”5″>Code 128</option>
<option value=”6″>EAN 13</option>
<option value=”7″>UPCA</option>
<option value=”8″>GS1-128</option>
<option value=”9″>GS1DataBarExpanded</option>
<option value=”10″>GS1DataBarExpandedStacked </option>
<option value=”11″>GS1DataBarLimited</option>
<option value=”12″>GS1DataBarOmnidirectional</option>
<option value=”13″>GS1DataBarStacked</option>
<option value=”14″>I2of5</option>
<option value=”15″>Patch Code</option>
<option value=”16″>PDF 417</option>
<option value=”17″>QR Code</option>
<option value=”18″>Datamatrix</option>
<option value=”19″>Aztec</option>
<option value=”20″>MaxiCode</option>
<br />
<span style=” font-size:20px; “>Output barcode values read appears below: </span>
<br />
<!– decoding results appear in this listbox –>
<select style=”width:500px; height:100px;” size=”8″ id=”OutListBoxHTML5″>
<br />
<input id=”snap”  style=”color:black; font-weight:bold; font-size:x-large;” type=”button” onclick=”UploadToCloud();” value=”START READING BARCODES…” />
<input id=”pause” style=”color:black;” type=”button” onclick=”stopCall();” value=”STOP” />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <h4 id=”report” >
<td valign=”top”>
<span>Webcam preview shows below:</span>
<video id=”video” width=”640″ height=”480″></video>
<!– canvas with the output –>
<canvas id=”canvasU” width=”640″ height=”480″ style=”display:none” ></canvas>

<!– Flash (SWF) camera-based capturing section –>
<!– this div block will be shown when the browser does not support user media so the only way is to capture with flash (swf) camera –>
<div id=”flashDiv” style=” display:none; “>
<tr align=”left” valign=”top”>
<td colspan=”2″><h3 style=” color:Green; ” >(FLASH based camera) This works in Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome, Firefox and other browsers with flash support. To enable web-cam access answer ALLOW when asked if you want to give access to webcam </h3></td>
<tr align=”left” valign=”top”>
<td valign=”top”>
<h4 id=”choice”> <b>Barcode Type To Scan (to start barcode scan – click START below)</b></h4>
<br />
<select id=”comboBoxBarCodeTypeFlash” onchange=”selectType(this)”>
<option value=”1″>All Barcodes (slow)</option>
<option value=”2″>All Linear Barcodes (Code39, Code 128, EAN 13, UPCA, UPCE etc)</option>
<option value=”3″>All 2D Barcodes (QR Code, Aztec, Datamtrix, PDF417 and others)</option>
<option value=”4″>Code 39</option>
<option value=”5″>Code 128</option>
<option value=”6″>EAN 13</option>
<option value=”7″>UPCA</option>
<option value=”8″>GS1-128</option>
<option value=”9″>GS1DataBarExpanded</option>
<option value=”10″>GS1DataBarExpandedStacked </option>
<option value=”11″>GS1DataBarLimited</option>
<option value=”12″>GS1DataBarOmnidirectional</option>
<option value=”13″>GS1DataBarStacked</option>
<option value=”14″>I2of5</option>
<option value=”15″>Patch Code</option>
<option value=”16″>PDF 417</option>
<option value=”17″>QR Code</option>
<option value=”18″>Datamatrix</option>
<option value=”19″>Aztec</option>
<option value=”20″>MaxiCode</option>
<br />
<span style=” font-size:20px; “>Output barcode values read appears below: </span>
<br />
<!– decoding results appear in this listbox –>
<select style=”width:500px; height:100px;” size=”8″ id=”OutListBoxFlash”> </select>
<br />
<input type=”button”  style=”color:black; font-weight:bold; font-size:x-large;” value=”START READING BARCODES..” onclick=”take_snapshot()”/> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br />
<input type=”button” style=”color:black; font-weight:bold; font-size:x-large;” value=”STOP” onclick=”stopScanning()”/>
<br />
<div id=”upload_results” style=”background-color:#eee;”></div>
<div id=”flashOut”> </div>


(used for Internet Explorer and other flash enabled browsers):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.IO; //For MemoryStream
using System.Web.Services; //For WebMethod attribute
using Bytescout.BarCodeReader;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Threading;
public partial class uploadimage : System.Web.UI.Page
    // default scan type set to all barcode types
    private static SymbologyFilter m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String send = "";
            System.Drawing.Image originalimg;
            // read barcode type set 
            String type = Request.QueryString["type"].ToString();
            MemoryStream log = new MemoryStream();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int c;
            // read input buffer with image and saving into the "log" memory stream
            while ((c = Request.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                log.Write(buffer, 0, c);
            // create image object
            originalimg = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(log);
            // resample image
            originalimg = originalimg.GetThumbnailImage(640, 480, new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback), IntPtr.Zero);
            Bitmap bp = new Bitmap(originalimg);
            // create bytescout barcode reader object
            Reader reader = new Reader();
            // set barcode type to read
            reader.TypeToFind = GetBarcodeTypeToFindFromCombobox(type);
            // read barcodes from image
            // if there are any result then convert them into a single stream
            if (reader.FoundBarcodes != null)
                foreach (FoundBarcode barcode in reader.FoundBarcodes)
                    // form the output string
                    send = send + (String.Format("{0} : {1}", barcode.Type, barcode.Value));
            // close the memory stream
            // dispose the image object
            // write output 
            Response.Write("<d>" + send + "</d>");
        catch (Exception ex)
            // write the exception if any
            Response.Write("<d>" + ex + "</d>");
    public bool ThumbnailCallback() { return false; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Get symbology filter for the SDK from the combobox selection text
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="barType"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static SymbologyFilter GetBarcodeTypeToFindFromCombobox(string barType)
        string selectedItemText = barType.Trim().ToUpper();
        if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("ALL BARCODES") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("ALL LINEAR BARCODES") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll1D;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("ALL 2D BARCODES") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll2D;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("AZTEC") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAztec;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("CODABAR") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindCodabar;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("CODE 39") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindCode39;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("CODE 128") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindCode128;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("DATAMATRIX") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindDataMatrix;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("EAN 13") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindEAN13;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1-128") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABAREXPANDED") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarExpanded;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABAREXPANDEDSTACKED") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarExpandedStacked;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABARLIMITED") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarLimited;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABAROMNIDIRECTIONAL") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarOmnidirectional;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABARSTACKED") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarStacked;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("I2OF5") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindInterleaved2of5;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("PATCH") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindPatchCode;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("PDF 417") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindPDF417;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("QR CODE") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindQRCode;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("UPCA") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindUPCA;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("UPCE") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindUPCE;
        else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("MAXICODE") > -1)
            m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindMaxiCode;
        return m_barcodeTypeToScan;


(used for HTML5 enabled browsers)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.IO; //For MemoryStream
using System.Web.Services; //For WebMethod attribute
using Bytescout.BarCodeReader;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;FFla
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Threading;


public partial class Camera : System.Web.UI.Page
private static SymbologyFilter m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

/// <summary>
/// Takes the base64 encoded image from the browser
/// and tries to read barodes from it
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string Upload(string image, string type)


String send = "";
// lock by send variable
// convert base64 string from the client side into byte array
byte[] bitmapArrayOfBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(image);
// convert the byte array into the bitmap
Bitmap bp = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(new MemoryStream(bitmapArrayOfBytes));
// new bytescout barcode reader sdk object
Reader reader = new Reader();
// get the type to find from user's selection in the combobox
reader.TypeToFind = GetBarcodeTypeToFindFromCombobox(type);
// read image to get barcodes
// check if we have got barcodes from the image
if (reader.FoundBarcodes != null)
// add each barcode into the string
foreach (FoundBarcode barcode in reader.FoundBarcodes)
// add barcodes as text into the output string
send = send + "rn"+ (String.Format("{0} : {1}", barcode.Type, barcode.Value));
// return the output string
return send;
} // end of lock
catch (Exception ex)
// return the exception instead
return (ex.Message + "rn" + ex.StackTrace);


/// <summary>
/// Get symbology filter for the SDK from the combobox selection text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="barType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static SymbologyFilter GetBarcodeTypeToFindFromCombobox(string barType)

string selectedItemText = barType.Trim().ToUpper();

if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("ALL BARCODES") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("ALL LINEAR BARCODES") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll1D;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("ALL 2D BARCODES") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAll2D;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("AZTEC") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindAztec;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("CODABAR") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindCodabar;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("CODE 39") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindCode39;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("CODE 128") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindCode128;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("DATAMATRIX") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindDataMatrix;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("EAN 13") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindEAN13;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1-128") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABAREXPANDED") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarExpanded;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABAREXPANDEDSTACKED") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarExpandedStacked;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABARLIMITED") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarLimited;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABAROMNIDIRECTIONAL") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarOmnidirectional;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("GS1DATABARSTACKED") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindGS1DataBarStacked;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("I2OF5") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindInterleaved2of5;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("PATCH") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindPatchCode;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("PDF 417") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindPDF417;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("QR CODE") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindQRCode;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("UPCA") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindUPCA;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("UPCE") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindUPCE;
else if (selectedItemText.IndexOf("MAXICODE") > -1)
m_barcodeTypeToScan = SymbologyFilter.FindMaxiCode;

return m_barcodeTypeToScan;


About the Author

ByteScout Team ByteScout Team of Writers ByteScout has a team of professional writers proficient in different technical topics. We select the best writers to cover interesting and trending topics for our readers. We love developers and we hope our articles help you learn about programming and programmers.  