With this source code sample you may quickly learn how to parse simple invoice in C#. ByteScout Invoice Parser SDK is the automatic invoice parsing engine and data extraction SDK. Relies on the built-in database and supports thousands of vendors out of the box! Can work offline and can detects and extract company name, invoice number, date, total amount to be paid and other fields. The database of supported invoices is updated on regular basis. Data output can be exported in JSON, XML, CSV formats or directly integrated with other apps. It can be used to parse simple invoice using C#.
C# code samples for C# developers help to speed up coding of your application when using ByteScout Invoice Parser SDK. Just copy and paste the code into your C# application’s code and follow the instruction. Implementing C# application typically includes multiple stages of the software development so even if the functionality works please test it with your data and the production environment.
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Web API (on-demand version)
On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)
using System; using ByteScout.InvoiceParser; // This example demonstrates invoice data parsing to JSON and YAML formats. namespace GeneralExample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string inputDocument1 = @".\DigitalOcean.pdf"; string inputDocument2 = @".\AmazonAWS.pdf"; // Create InvoiceParser instance using (InvoiceParser invoiceParser = new InvoiceParser("demo", "demo")) { Console.WriteLine({code}quot;Parsing \"{inputDocument1}\"..."); Console.WriteLine(); // Parse invoice data in JSON format string jsonString = invoiceParser.ParseDocument(inputDocument1, OutputFormat.JSON); // Display parsed data in console Console.WriteLine("Parsing results in JSON format:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(jsonString); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine({code}quot;Parsing \"{inputDocument2}\"..."); Console.WriteLine(); // Parse invoice data in YAML format string yamlString = invoiceParser.ParseDocument(inputDocument2, OutputFormat.YAML); // Display parsed data in console Console.WriteLine("Parsing results in YAML format:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(yamlString); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
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