Computer development is one of the coolest jobs in this world. Developers get to work on various domains and software applications for countless clients which provide them with lots of time to innovate, build, and develop. These days developers also never have a shortage of software projects due to smartphones and mobile apps. Some are developing new Android or iOS apps, while some are working to get rid of old features.
Check this video list of TOP developer jokes:
Also, knowledge is a permanent phase for a developer. One can introduce new ideas or learn from someone else’s pieces. There is a struggle in the business but healthy competition, where people guide each other to improve. It can be actually pleasant to work in this software world. The journey of developers can be funny too; the peculiarities of the work are such that people find fun in small things. The following are 20 things that display the funny life of a software developer:
The above image is displaying the funny side of the legacy code. The outgoing developer (the developer who has resigned from the company) is giving the already-written code to the new developer.
The condition of software development in 2019: “Please don’t apply if you don’t have the core concepts of programming, and you depend upon copying and pasting the code from StackOverflow/saved file.”
The above joke is one of the funniest jokes.
Long hours and the life of developers are two sides of the same coin. And with the long hours arrives the heavy coding and pressure. Programming is truly like a mountain; one small mistake can drive a landslide! The below image is displaying the fun of long hours and mistakes.
TrumpScript is one funny programming language that was formulated by four Rice University undergraduates. TrumpScript allows developers to operate with numbers that are bigger than one million. If programmers user numbers less than a million then it will generate a quote from Donald Trump as an error message: ”I’m really rich, Part of the beauty of me is I’m very rich.”
When developing websites, web developers usually apply a dummy text known as “lorem ipsum” to test how the webpage and the text will appear in particular page fields. These days developers are using this text in a funny way to send it on WhatsApp to each other. They are using this text to wish birthday messages in a unique way such as
“Many many lorem ipsum of the day. May your life be full of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque consequat eleifend justo vitae facilisis. Praesent ut felis in velit feugiat accumsan”
In the realm of programming, software developers are constantly striving to make things simpler. They usually accomplish this by coding libraries, which are branches of programming languages that manipulate uncomplicated, familiar tasks. These days software developers are using a very funny mock javascript library vapor.js.
It is a JavaScript library that includes zero lines of code. This library is also called the world’s smallest & fastest JavaScript Library. They use this library to mock new developers by giving them some confusing tasks.
Is-thirteen is one software package that examines whether a number is equal to 13. The funny thing about this package is that it contains hundreds of lines of code, more than 90 patrons, and a regulation system. This is all for a package that verifies whether a number equals 13 or not.
The package was supposedly formulated to make fun of a few software packages that give the equivalent sort of useless functionality. The funnier part of the is-thirteen package is the segment of its GitHub container where developers can ask queries, comments, and special applications.
Comcastify is one more funny thing that developers find funny. This funny package was created because according to its creators sometimes images load too quickly on websites. Developers find this library funny because this JavaScript library causes images on a web page to load very gradually. By using this library programmers can build a dummy page, to display an image loading very slowly.
The above image is displaying a funny comparison between web developers with a job and without a job. Developers find this image very funny because it is trying to display that developers who have a job are always busy developing various software applications.
The CSS mug is one of the funniest things that web developers find. It is displaying that the mug is not a mobile-responsive mug.
The above image is displaying the funny use of the word algorithm. Many developers find this funny because developers know the importance of algorithms and they always use this word to explain the concept of their programs to people who don’t have knowledge of programming.
Developers find this image very funny because it is explaining the types of loops. Loops are one of the most important features of any programming language.
This is an amusing illustration of web browsers. Web developers who work mostly on web and mobile applications know the importance of web browsers and mobile responsive programming code.
Many programmers find this image funny because it is illustrating the flow of the program in a funny manner. It is showing the combination of the user interface, the user, and the logic which fails to run.
Now, this joke is hilarious for testers and programmers. The below image is displaying the exact relationship between programmers and testers.
This joke is for Java programmers. This joke is telling the difference between academic Java programming and enterprise Java programming.
“My wife is the least technical person in the world, so when she told me she had finished installing Java, I was astounded. Until she held up her empty coffee cup.”
The above joke is explaining the funny manner of describing Java installation.
The below image is displaying a funny joke of comparison between Windows, MAC, and Linux users. It tells you that Linux users always meet on GitHub.
Python is a strongly-typed coding language. In a weakly typed coding language, variables can be inherently restricted to independent types, whereas in a strongly typed language like Python a specific change is needed.
There’s an infinite range of jokes about how to shoot yourself in the foot by utilizing a special programming language. Here is the entry for Python.
“You create a gun module, a gun class, a foot module, and a foot class. After realizing3 you can’t point the gun at the foot, you pass a reference to the gun to a foot object. After the foot is blown up, the gun object remains alive for eternity, ready to shoot all future feet that may happen to appear.” ~ Mark Hammond
Now, Java too can be used to create a funny how-to shoot yourself-in-the-foot program. Here is the entry for Java.
“You find that Microsoft and Sun have released incompatible class libraries both implementing Gun objects. You then find that although there are plenty of feet objects implemented in the past in many other languages, you cannot get access to one. But seeing as Java is so cool, you don’t care and go around shooting anything else you can find.” ~ Mark Hammond
Below is a funny but eye-opening quote about software design.
“There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. The other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult ~ C.A.R. Hoare
This joke was posted to the Microsoft Excel Developers’ List EXCEL-L by Jeff Hutchinson.
“An SQL query went into a bar. He walked up to two tables and said, “Hi, can I join you?”
This funny IT contractor joke was first posted by Phil Factor.
“An IT contractor goes to the gates of Heaven. Very indignantly, he says to St Peter, “Look here, I was only 45 so why did I have to die? It’s not fair.” St Peter stares back with a puzzled frown and leaves through the golden book. “Hey, that’s odd. According to the hours you’ve claimed, you’re 120.”
When someone is unmotivated or demotivated by coding or programming approaches, they are referred to as programming. These are the techniques to boost motivation. Maintaining consistency and motivation throughout the learning process in programming is frequently more complicated than the language’s complexity.
You will need a lot of drive and motivation to continue learning consistently. Making the most of your time and understanding the intricate ideas of any programming language will depend on how consistently you learn.
A few actions to achieve consistency are:
Going home, eating dinner, watching TV, going to bed, waking up the following day, and taking a shower are occasionally the finest ways to settle issues.
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