TOP-10 Resources to Learn about API Security - ByteScout
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TOP-10 Resources to Learn about API Security

Every organization faces a variety of security challenges. These vary from the underlying principles, such as making sure that the suitable firewall is already in place, to greater obstacles, such as API security and information privacy. APIs serve as the basis of current online ecosystems. They are deeply entrenched in software products and are a major driving force in the effective completion of applications. Because the tech sector is so dependent on APIs, institutions that do provide API access must consider making them safer and more reliable. This article is all about the top 10 resources to learn about API security. Let’s take a look at it in more detail.

TOP-10 Resources to Learn about API Security

API Security for Dummies

This book provides a high-level overview of API security and DevSecOps conceptual frameworks. It is intended to be a side dish on your security adventure, offering you the wisdom you need to think critically as you establish security protocols for your organization. In addition to a wide range of automation tools, it offers regular webinars and API security resources to make the best possible choices for securing your systems and applications.

Hacking APIs

A software interaction that allows programs to interact and start sharing services is recognized as an Application Programming Interface (API). Hacking APIs focuses on teaching you how to evaluate web APIs for security vulnerabilities. You’ll see just how widely accepted API types like REST, SOAP, and GraphQL work in real-world scenarios. Then you’ll set up a simplified API testing facility and perform various attacks, such as those that aim at an API’s identity verification processes and injection security flaws that are widespread in web applications. In the book’s directed labs, identify APIs that are intentionally highly susceptible.

Understanding API Security

Several chapters from various Manning books provide a frame of reference for how API security actually works. API security is a must-have for data-centric projects and Sector infrastructure. This resource is broadly used to reduce different security threats depending on different types of API applications and varying levels.

API Security in Action

API Security in Action shows you how to create safe APIs for any circumstance. By pursuing this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to build a networking site API while studying different types of construction security, cloud key distribution, and compact cryptography. When completed, you’ll be capable of building APIs that can endure sophisticated attack scenarios and adverse environmental conditions.

Black Hat GraphQL

Web applications are more and more utilizing GraphQL query language to exchange information, but the safety of these beneficial APIs is slacking. This hands-on book, authored for security researchers, focuses on teaching penetration testers how to find vulnerabilities in apps using GraphQL, while still bringing several exploits that are not yet publicly recognized and trying to demonstrate how to use GraphQL as a security tool.

Practical API Security Walkthrough

Learn when to use API Key, Static or Dynamic HMAC, Dynamic Certificate Attaching, and Mobile App Authentication to safeguard your cellphone and API implementations. This repository is a portion of a series of blog posts on functional API security mechanisms. The set will guide you through the steps of protecting a mobile API codebase against numerous vulnerabilities that an attacker might use to obtain access to the information it appears to contain. In this exhibition type of situation, the attack empowers real system consumers to access an unjustified competitive benefit at the expense of other stakeholders. This is one of the most important API security resources that teach various authentication techniques too.

Advanced API Security: OAuth 2.0 and Beyond

Enterprise APIs have gradually replaced conventional ways of uncovering business operations to the external world. Uncovering operation is advantageous, but it also presents the danger of subjugation. This book teaches you how to use OAuth 2.0 and linked statuses to securely connect APIs with web applications, separate apps, native phone applications, and web apps. The most widely used framework as the basis for these benchmarks is OAuth 2.0. This book describes how to implement OAuth 2.0 to your specific circumstance to safeguard and defend your corporate APIs from subjugation and attack.

API Security: How to Implement the Security in API. Practical Guide

This book investigates API security. The book starts by explaining how much API security is and why it’s essential. API potential threats have been discussed extensively. You will also be directed on how to alleviate possible future API security flaws. Authentication is a crucial mechanism for ensuring the safety of APIs. It functions by making sure that users accessing the API are valid and permitted to do so. This book examines the various strong authentication and protocols used in APIs. With APIs, we must make sure that users only connect the adequate resources. This is achieved through authorization.

Securing the API Stronghold: The Ultimate Guide to API Security

Introducing the most in-depth evaluation of the foundational principles of contemporary web API security. Explore the methods and technologies needed to establish an API stronghold. As digital security is becoming a more concerning issue across the API, IoT, and microservice space, appropriate access management must be considered seriously to make sure your digital assets are shared safely. This book explains security accumulations and workflows that make use of contemporary technologies like OAuth2, OpenID Connect, and others. This is one of the best books on API security.

Identity and APIs: Techniques to Mature Platform Security

Enterprises must reconsider security as they actually invest in web API methods, integrating ideas such as OAuth, OpenID Connect, and the API Security Maturity Level. Much of the advancement in API security can ultimately boil down to how you manage individuality. In Identity and APIs, we learn how and where to safeguard platform-direct connections and assign connections directly along a sophisticated API environment.


API security describes a set of guiding principles for protecting and preserving a firm’s APIs. Businesses should safeguard APIs algorithmically at the software logic state, in addition to infrastructure investment security features. Suitable API authorizations and guidelines should be in place to guarantee that only the core audience uses up allowable APIs.


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