How to add and use GoTo Page action in PDF generated with PDFDoc Scout library to implement page change on button click in documentDownload example source code: (55,8 KB)Screenshot (view produced pdf): Set PDFDoc = CreateObject("PDFDocScout.PDFDocument") ' create PDFDoc object PDFDoc.InitLibrary "demo", "demo" ' initialize library PDFDoc.OutputFileName = "pdfdocscout_example_goto_page_action.pdf" ' set output filename for PDF document PDFDoc.AutoOpenGeneratedPDF = true ' automatically open generated PDF document in default PDF viewer application PDFDoc.BeginDocument ' starts PDF document generation ' add text to current page - draw text at (100,100) and rotate at 15 degrees PDFDoc.Page.AddText "Hello, World!", 100, 100, 15 'Add new GoTo Page Action Set GoToPageAction = PDFDoc.AddGoToPageAction(0, 500) ' Add button Set btnTest = PDFDoc.Page.AddButton ("btnDemo", 100, 150, 200, 110) btnTest.Caption = "Run GoToPageAction" ' Set button action btnTest.OnMouseDown = GoToPageAction PDFDoc.EndDocument ' close pdf document generation ' disconnect from library Set PDFDoc = NothingDownload example source code: (55,8 KB)