RSS2HTMLPro.ASP free script converts RSS into HTML with support for multiple RSS feeds and filtering by keywords - ByteScout

RSS2HTMLPro.ASP free script converts RSS into HTML with support for multiple RSS feeds and filtering by keywords

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  • RSS2HTMLPro.ASP free script converts RSS into HTML with support for multiple RSS feeds and filtering by keywords

Why RSS2HTMLPro.asp?

  • Made with 100% ASP (Visual Basic) code (100% full source code is available for registered users);
  • Better RSS/XML/ATOM support;
  • Multiple RSS into HTML support;
  • Filter by search phrases and keywords (in the title, URL, description);
  • Filter by categories using search phrases and keywords;
  • Customizable date and time support (you can define how to display date and time in HTML output);
  • Ability to force the use of plain text in feeds instead of HTML

See the tutorial for more information

Case Study – Three Cross Motorcycles (June 2009)

“Three Cross Motorcycles is one of the leading motorcycle retail showrooms in the south of England (and also the sole importer/distributor of Peugeot Motorcycles, Sachs Motorcycles, and Moto Morini Motorcycles here
in the UK) and decided that we needed to rebuild our website ( to stay ahead of the competition. We wanted to make it a resource for local bikers by providing them with not only the latest products but also industry news and local information. A one-stop-shop if you like.”

“To provide the news we decided that we wanted to pull in quality RSS news feeds to make it dynamic and self-populating. After much searching and disappointment from other products that failed to deliver what we needed, we found RSS2HTMLPro. First, we tried the free solution just to make sure that it did what it claimed. The success was immediate, and within minutes we had a prototype up and running. After the initial tests we bought the Pro version (which was very competitive in its pricing) as what we had planned needed a complex, yet elegant solution.

I will say that due to the complexity of our plans, certain changes had to be made to RSS2HTMLPro, but this was not a problem as the technical support was among the best I have ever encountered!! We now pull in news and travel information from external sites, and also Three Cross Motorcycles specific news and special offers direct from the RSS news feed generated by our CMS! Without RSS2HTMLPro none of this would have been possible. If ever you are in the UK let me know and I’ll buy you a beer!” – Paul Francis – Web Development Manager –

Snippet with Configuration Variables from RSS2HTMLPro.asp Script

‘ On Error Resume Next
Response.Expires = -1 ‘ change to another value to use built-in ASP caching (timeout is in minutes), for example, set Response.Expires = 20 set to cache the content for 20 minutes

StandaloneScript = True ‘ set to TRUE if used as a standalone script, set to FALSE when used with MultiRSS2HTML.asp

‘ =========== RSS2HTMLPro.ASP For ASP/ASP.NET ==========
‘ copyright 2005-2009 (c)
‘ version 1.21b (12 May 2009)
‘ =========== configuration =====================

‘ ##### Get “URLToRSS”, “Keywords” and “CategoryKeywords” parameters from the original URL parameters #########
UseParametersFromURL = False

‘ ##### Predefined URL to RSS Feed to display #########
‘ As ASP script relies on MSXML parser so some feeds containing incompatible characters may fail in the script
‘ You should try to use to convert RSS feed into MSXML compatible format
” For example: URLToRSS = “”


‘ ##### Predefined Keywords Filtering #########
‘ Keywords operators: “+” = keywords required; “-” = negative keyword (i.e. keyword should not exist in one of the filtered strings (title, description or URL – see below); “+-” = negative keyword required (i.e. keyword should not exist in any way);
‘ Examples:
‘ “bytescout-movies” = “bytescout” keyword should exist OR “movies” keyword should NOT exist
‘ “bytescout movies” = “bytescout” keyword should exist OR “movies” keyword should exist
‘ “+bytescout+movies” = “bytescout” keyword should exist AND “movies” keyword should exist
‘ “bytescout+-movies” = “bytescout” keyword should exist AND “movies” keyword should NOT exist
‘ you can also pass keywords using URL using “keywords” parameter (for example: ) but please set UseParametersFromURL = TRUE

Keywords = “”

‘ optional keywords filtering by Categories (if any)
‘ you can also pass CategoryKeywords using URL using “CategoryKeywords” parameter (for example: ) but please set UseParametersFromURL = TRUE

CategoryKeywords = “”

‘ ##### Switch On/Off filtering by Title, Description and URL #########
FilterByTitle = True
FilterByDescription = True
FilterByURL = True
FilterByCategory = True

‘ ##### Description Length #########
DescriptionLengthLimit = -1 ‘ if you have problems with limiting the description and RSS contains rich formatting then set DescriptionStripHTMLTags (see below) to True

‘ ##### Strip rich formatting from description fields ################
DescriptionStripHTMLTags = False ‘ change to True if you converts RSS with HTML (images, formatting) in the description

‘ ##### Remove Timezone Info #########
RemoveTimezoneInfoFromDateTime = True

‘ ##### Max number of displayed items #####
MaxNumberOfItems = 70

‘ ##### Main template constants
‘ ##### {CHANNELTITLE} will be replaced with item Channel Title
‘ ##### {CHANNELURL} will be replaced with item Channel Url
‘ ##### {CHANNELDESCRIPTION} will be replaced with item Channel description
MainTemplateHeader = “<table><tr><td><a href=”& “””{CHANNELURL}”” title=””{CHANNELDESCRIPTION}””” & “>{CHANNELTITLE}</a></td></tr>”
MainTemplateFooter = “</table>”
‘ #####

‘ ##### Item template.
‘ ##### {LINK} will be replaced with item link
‘ ##### {TITLE} will be replaced with item title
‘ ##### {DESCRIPTION} will be replaced with item description
‘ ##### {DATE} will be replaced with item date and time
‘ ##### {COMMENTSLINK} will be replaced with link to comments (If you use RSS feed from blog)
‘ ##### {CATEGORY} will be replaced with item category
‘ ##### {MEDIA_URL} will be replaced with Media URL
‘ ##### {MEDIA_TITLE} will be replaced with Media title
‘ ##### {MEDIA_SIZE} will be replaced with Media file size in KB
‘ ##### {AUTHOR} will be replaced with Author name
‘ ##### {SOURCE_TITLE} will be replaced with source title
‘ ##### {SOURCE_URL} will be replaced with source URL link

‘ HTML template for single item in a feed
ItemTemplate = “<tr><td><strong>{DATE} {TIME}</strong><br/><i>Categories: {CATEGORY}</i><br/><i>Author: {AUTHOR}, via <a href=” & “””{SOURCE_URL}””” & “>{SOURCE_TITLE}</a></i><br><a href=” & “””{LINK}””” & “>{TITLE}</a><BR>{DESCRIPTION}<br><i>Media download (for podcasts): <a href=” & “””{MEDIA_URL}””” & “>{MEDIA_TITLE} ({MEDIA_SIZE} KB)</a></i></td></tr>”

‘#### Date Time format
‘#### dd – Day number
‘#### DD – Full Day Name (for example, Friday)
‘#### mm – Month number (for example, 10 as October)
‘#### MMMM – Full Month Name
‘#### yyyy – Year (number)
‘#### h – 12 Hour (for example 8 PM)
‘#### H – 24 Hour
‘#### MM – Minute (as number)
‘#### SS – Second (as number)
‘#### Offset – Time offset from UTC
DateTemplate = “DD, dd, MMMM, yyyy ”
TimeTemplate = “H:MM:SS AMPM (Offset)”

‘ ####### variables to control different parameters of date time output #########3
AddLeadingZeroToHours = True ‘ set to True to display time “9:35” as “09:35” (add the leading zero to hours when 24-hours format is used)
AddLeadingZeroToMonths = True ‘ set to True to display month number “8” as “08” (add the leading zero to month number)
AddLeadingZeroToDays = True ‘ set to True to display day number “7” as “07” (add the leading zero to day number)

‘ ##### channel properties internal variables #####
Dim ChannelTitle, ChannelURL, ChannelDescription

‘ ###### User Agent for feed downloads ###########
UserAgent = “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; en-US)”

‘ ######## different private internal variables #########
Dim MonthsNamesSystem
MonthsNamesSystem = Array(“”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””)
Dim MonthsNamesLatin
MonthsNamesLatin = Array(“Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec”)

………… for full script source code free download click here
