What’s new:
- now with 12 chart types support (see Advanced Examples for C# and VB.NET samples);
- issue with incorrect cell border writing causing Cell Format dialog not shown on some Excel versions fixed;
- new assembly attribute [assembly: SecurityRules(SecurityRuleSet.Level1)] for compatibility with Security-Transparent feature of .NET 4.0;
- ImportFromDataSet and ImportFromDataTable will add new worksheets automatically if table row count exceeds 65536;
- error causing XLS to open in safe mode fixed;
- export to CSV and TXT speed improved for large sets of data;
- new ImportFromDataSet() and ImportFromDataTable() overloads with row limit parameter;
- Cell.ValueAsExcelDisplays (Cell.ValueAsString) works correct for formats with [$-F800] [$-F400]. For example, “[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy“;
- fixing issue with Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In opens xls with charts with warning messages;
- some identifiers in PatternStyle names were changed according to similar names in VBA;
- .Value property issue with System.Decimal converting to String instead of Double was fixed;
- CellAddress, CellsRange, VtHeadingPair were transformed from structures into classes;
- exposed Pictures and PictureShape are available through COM interfaces now;
- new COM interface samples: Adding Images, Change Column Height, Change Row Height;
- new method for COM compatibility SetFontProperties(string FontName, bool IsBold, bool IsItalic, bool IsUnderline, float Size, int R, int G, int B);
- minor bug-fixes and improvements.
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