What’s new PDF Extractor SDK 6.00.2071:
- PDF to XML, PDF To CSV, PDF To Text functionality improved
- PDF To XLS command line sample added (based on vbscript)
- PDF To HTML SDK adds new .DetectHyperLinks property (TRUE by default) to enable/disable automated links detection in the text
- new SearchablePDFMaker (available for PRO licenses) to convert PDF into searchable PDF files
- new properties in extractor: ConsiderFontNames, ConsiderFontSizes, ConsiderFontColors, ConsiderVerticalBorders in CFG files
- header columns detection (when AutoAlighHeaderToColumns = true) improved
- .DetectLinesInsteadOfParagraphs replaced with new .LineGroupingMode to control how lines are merged into paragraphs
- IMPORTANT! PDF To XML fixes long time issue with incorrect Y coordinate for text objects (was point to the bottom left instead of top left)
- .TableXMinIntersectionRequiredInPercents and .TableYMinIntersectionRequiredInPercents properties added
- C++ source code sample added
- XML Extractor fixes missing empty columns in PreserveFormatting=true mode
- minor fixes in colors in some PDF files
- support for multiple OCR languages added
- PDF Multitool GUI: adds Copy to Clipboard button to TXT, CSV, XML and raster renderer dialogs
- XLSExtractor: adds PageToWorksheet property to enable/disable generation of separate worksheets per page
- new .TextEncodingCodePage property
- PDFViewerControl: adds ValidateContextMenu allowing user to add custom items to context menu
- PDF Viewer control: adds properties ShowTextObjects, ShowImageObjects, ShowVectorObjects
- XMLExtractor now adds “OCRConfidence” attribute for recognized text
- PDF/A checking functionality (in beta)
- improving controls and text checking and alignment according to the original layout. The issue was caused by the shift of Y coordinates in controls while parsing: that was incorrect. The correct way is to shif…
- XML Extractor updated: now produces CONTROL tag for checkboxes and text fields
- changed using of current directory to temp directory
- checkboxes,radioboxes, editboxes, comboboxes are better supported
- now allows partial trust callers