CouchDB vs. MariaDB - ByteScout

CouchDB vs. MariaDB

Database system gives a method for warehouse and access of the data. There are three principal varieties of database management systems, specifically OLAP(Online Analytical Processing Systems), RDBMS (Relational Database management Systems), and NoSQL. This article is all about the difference between two databases CouchDB and MariaDB. Let’s take a look at it in more detail.

  1. What is CouchDB?
  2. What is MariaDB?
  3. Database in CouchDB vs Database in MariaDB
  4. Create a database in MariaDB
  5. Replication in CouchDB vs Replication in MariaDB
  6. Backing up in CouchDB vs Backing up in MariaDB
  7. Security in MariaDB vs Security in CouchDB

CouchDB vs. MariaDB

What is CouchDB?

CouchDB is a NoSQL database. Particularly, CouchDB is a document-based database and inside each document, fields are saved as key-value plans. Fields can be both a single key/value set, table, or map. It is an open-source NoSQL database dependent on basic measures to promote Web accessibility and adaptability with a mixture of systems. NoSQL databases are valuable for extremely large sets of shared data, particularly for the huge numbers of non-uniform data in different formats that are exclusive of big data.

What is MariaDB?

MariaDB is based on SQL and maintains data processing with confirmed atomicity, flexibility, privacy, and stability for transactions. Among other characteristics, the database also holds JSON APIs, identical data copy, and various storage powerhouses, like InnoDB, Spider, TokuDB, Cassandra, and Aria.

Database in CouchDB vs Database in MariaDB

Create a database in CouchDB

The database is the external data object in CouchDBthe area where users’ records and documents will be saved. Users can create these databases with the cURL method aided by CouchDB. Users can build a database in CouchDB by posting an HTTP call to the server with the PUT mode through the cURL method. Below is the example for creating a database –

curl -X PUT

Create a database in MariaDB

Just like other create database statements, to create a new database in a MariaDB server, users can utilize the create database query. In this, they first have to define the name of the database that they want to build after they create keywords. The name of the database must be different in the MariaDB server case. If users create a database that has the identical name as a current database, MariaDB will throw an error. Next, the elective or replace clause tells MariaDB to filter the database if it is already in the database before creating the new database. Below is an example of creating a database.

CREATE DATABASE my_sample_database 
  CHARACTER SET = 'keybcs2'
  COLLATE = 'keybcs2_bin';

Replication in CouchDB vs Replication in MariaDB

Replication in CouchDB

One of CouchDB’s features is the facility to synchronize two models of the identical database. This allows users to share data over various nodes or data hubs, but also to transfer data more strictly to customers. The Replication includes a source and a target database, which can be on identical or on various CouchDB instances. The purpose of replication is that after the method, all existing documents in the root database are also in the target database and all documents that were removed in the root database are also removed in the target database.

> curl -X POST -d ‘{“source”:””, “target”:”http://admin:password@”}’ -H “Content-Type: application/json”

Replication in MariaDB

In MariaDB, Replication is a method of mirroring data from different databases, identified as master databases or servers to many slave servers. The master server is identified as such because it gives the data for replication. Replicated data can be a comprehensive collection of databases, or a separate database, or even data tables received from the sought database.

In the master-slave arrangement, any modifications that are performed to one of the slaves, implicitly display in the master account. After this, all the slaves accept the data modifications from the master server in a fully automatic mode.

server_p ( 
server_q (



Backing up in CouchDB vs Backing up in MariaDB

Backing up in CouchDB

The most uncomplicated and most straightforward method for CouchDB backup is to utilize CouchDB replication to different CouchDB connections. Users can pick between standard (one-shot) or endless replications depending on their requirements. Yet, they can also copy the original.

$ export COUCH_URL=http://<userid>:<password>@localhost:7789

$ curl -X GET $COUCH_URL/_all_dbs

$ couchbackup –db <mydatabase> –log <mydatabase>.log > <mydatabase>.txt


Backing up in MariaDB

Mariabackup is an open-source tool given by MariaDB for executing real online backups. It utilizes the buffer pool, which saves data and files from its tables. This buffer is extremely essential for performance. If InnoDB data doesn’t match the memory, the buffer must include the most commonly obtained data. Still, the last obtained data is a front-runner for inclusion into the buffer pool. If not correctly placed, when a table scan results, InnoDB may replicate the entire contents of a table into the buffer funds. The difficulty with consistent backups is that they always assume complete table scans.

> mysql my_database < mybackup-file.sql

Security in MariaDB vs Security in CouchDB

Security in MariaDB

MariaDB employs a genuine community participation design and open-source configuration to develop security abilities that make it amongst the most stable databases. MariaDB is managed to defend data without losing prominent usability or developing the series. Because of the huge ecosystem helping MariaDB coupled with the capacity to permanently include new community open source modifications, MariaDB is future-proof. Run the below command to secure the MariaDB installation.


Security in CouchDB

CouchDB has a unique valid database, named _users by default, that saves all listed users as JSON records. This unique database is a custom database. This indicates that while it distributes the standard database API, there are some specific security-based restrictions involved. CouchDB has the concept of an admin user that is authorized to perform anything to a CouchDB connection. By default, the admin must be formulated for CouchDB to run successfully. CouchDB also describes a collection of calls that solely admin users are permitted to run. If users have assigned one or more particular admin users, CouchDB will request for description for specific calls:

> HOST="http://admin:password@"
> NODENAME="_local"
> curl -X PUT $HOST/_node/$NODENAME/_config/admins/mydatabase -d '"code"'

Primary verification that utilizes plain-text passwords is helpful and comfortable, but not very reliable if no additional steps are practiced. It is also a really weak user experience. If users utilize essential authentication to recognize admins, the application’s users are required to handle an unpleasant, unstable browser dialog.


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